#17 Fort Pierce, May 19 at South Jetty Park
This was Rick and my first gate alone, after Dianne left to be with her husband. It was difficult for us to move on as our hearts were so heavy for her in hearing of Greg’s quick decline and her having to drive back to Sarasota late into the night. My husband wanted me to go with her but she felt very strongly about the Lord wanting this assignment to continue on, which we were in agreement with. It was a bit overwhelming for us as well at the thought of proceeding without her but we knew that the Lord had called and equipped us for such a time as this. We were ready and willing to carry on the mission and stand in for my beautiful, faithful friend.

Interestingly, it was our first gate that we were late in arriving too because we could not get the landing gear up on our RV which was frustrating. However, meeting all the beautiful intercessors that were at the port waiting for us, put us at ease. They were so gracious, loving and understanding. We were greeted by a David and Tracy Ruleman, a Rabbi and several other beautiful saints. We joined together to pray for Dianne then read the declarations, followed with communion and some wonderful worship. A young beautiful woman named Angela helped with singing as we worshiped with the flags over the pier. The unity and love was ever present.
David and Tracy then invited us to have breakfast with them and a couple of other Intercessors. It was a great time of fellowship and getting to know one another. Then they brought us to the Central Assembly of God where we would make camp and attend the “Holy Spirit” weekend! David introduced us to Larry, (the head of missions for that church) who helped us find a place to park and plug in. He showed us where the showers were and showed us around the church. In his office was a map the size of the entire wall that had 100’s of markers, showing all the different countries and places where the church had gone on mission. We immediately bore witness with Larry’s love and calling for missions. What a beautiful soul!

David Ruleman says, “Tracy and I had a great weekend with Rick and Doreen Newton. All day Friday and Saturday starting with proclaiming the Word at Jetty Park, meals together, radio interviews, worship at Holy Fire and Central Assembly. We ended with breakfast and ministry at CJ Canons. Rick has carried a 12 foot cross around the world for the past 48 years as an evangelist and Doreen has been with him for the past 18 years. Love them!“
We joined with everyone for worship Friday night but had to retire early as we were so exhausted from the intense heat, lack of sleep and emotions.
David and Tracy picked us up early the next morning and brought us to a great breakfast spot in Vero called “Cafe Rio.” They weren’t open yet so we went next door to David and Tracy’s “Kingdom” meeting place where they hold their services and prayer meetings, and they shared their hearts and all the amazing things God has done.
When the coffee shop opened, we went next door and has some delicious coffee and breakfast sandwiches and heard about the missions that cafe Rio supports around the world! Then David brought us to a friends radio station. He had booked Rick to do an hour Radio show with Rhett. Rick shared many of our mission stories around the world. It was a wonderful day already and we still had the evening worship service to go to. Back at the church, we basked in the worship and His presence. We truly felt overwhelmed with love and blessings and slept great. To top it off, David and Tracy came to our RV the next morning, laid hands on and anointed Rick over the concern he had from an accident overseas which has affected his memory. We felt the presence of the Holy Spirit as they both prayed powerful intercessive prayers. They again blessed us with an amazing breakfast, fellowship and a beautiful send off. We love our new family!
Later that day, Rick noticed a significant difference in his ability to recall things. Praise the Lord!
Thank you David and Tracy for all the divine appointments, and your love and kindness –
What an amazing, God anointed, Spirit-filled weekend!! The only thing missing was my beautiful friend.
Well done- good and faithful servants! I am so grateful you all stepped in and continued the assignment. Love you all!