April 13 Declarations – Kingdom Legacy

It’s TIME!  Saturday, April 13th at 8:00am LOCAL time (your time zone).  

The goal is to have ALL 50 states speaking this into the atmosphere.  There will be a wave of declarations spoken across our nation for 6 hours!


This month we are partnering with Don’t Mess With Our Kids (DMWOK)! They will have moms at all 50state capitols at 1pm (local time) will speak out declarations and pray for the children in our nation. We will be setting the stage for these events at the state capitols by speaking out this declaration at 8am. However, I want to encourage you that if it is possible for you, please join DMWOK at your state capitol from 1pm – 3pm (local time). Nicole & I will be reading out declarations as part of this event at the FL state capitol in Tallahassee!

For more info, go to DontMessWithOurKids.us




MARCH 9 Declarations

It’s TIME! Saturday, March. 9th at 8:00am LOCAL (your time zone)
The goal is to have ALL 50 states speaking this into the atmosphere. There will be a wave of
declarations spoken across our nation for 6 hours!

THIS MONTH’S INFORMATION There are two types of fear as a lower “fear of punishment” and a higher “fear of [divine awe] glory.” Fear of God is not the same as being scared of God. It is a sense of
reverential awe. It is a fear that allows us to see our place in the order of creation. In
many ways, it is a reminder of our smallness. Our obedience is the outward evidence of
the fear of the Lord. When we fear God, we will obey Him instantly. Elements of that
fear: wisdom, discipline, humility, obedience, and blessing.


This blog is our new platform for sharing comments and pictures.

#22 Port Fernandina May 26

#22 Fernandina Harbor, May 26

The final coastal gateway of the 22– HalleluYAH!

On our way we stopped at a nearby marina restroom and Doreen saw on a table a Bible open with a grey conch pointing to Joel 3 (Complete Jewish Bible) After this I will pour out my Spirit on all mankind… WOW!! (traditionalJoel 2:28-32 KJV )

We were so overwhelmed only God, could do such a thing. This was set up before we got there, and that that was the place we stopped, and here in our final destination of the journey – we were just overcome with JOY and confirmation. This is the verse on my worship flag called “the Outpouring” which the Holy Spirit led me to paint through intercession and convert onto silk for worship. Its just amazing. We worshiped with these flags over every harbor on the journey.

Very powerful location at Port Fernandina opening into the Atlantic and where we could clearly see Georgia across the water. Staci, hub coordinator for Nassau, shared some history of the importance of Fernandina and her calling and passion to DAILY prayer in this location for years! WOW.

As with all the 22 harbors we celebrated with declarations & communion. Rick climbed down the cliff to throw bread on the waters, we worshiped in great joy (and wind) and dolphins came into the harbor. There we finally emptied the blessed waters from the 22 harbors connecting the gates of pearl. AMEN and AMEN.

Thank you Team 22, Keena, Fernandina intercessors, and all you who tuned in for an amazing anointed finish – and thanks to the dolphins for showing up!

Team 22 at Fernandina Harbor – mission accomplished. The “Pearly Gates” have been united and strung together! Praise God! Let’s keep the altar fires burning – occupy your territory with ongoing worship to the end of days.

#21 Jacksonville, May 25

#21 Jacksonville, May 25 at St Johns River

Rejoining the team at Jacksonville after being away and missing 4 gates, I had to be here – my home did not feel like home at the moment because I really belonged on the assignment in spite of how raw my heart was after my husband’s passing. I am so grateful for the everyone continuing on with the assignment to the 22 harbors! Doreen and Rick are amazing I am ever grateful. It is seared into my heart the power of the unstoppable BODY OF CHRIST! Oh my goodness the love in air was so soothing and healing…

As we gathered before the event a young woman came up to me asking to take her picture and we got into an amazing talk about Jesus. Rick joined us and shared a tract and she said this was the best version of Christianity she had ever seen and that it was healing her memories.

Golden light from the setting sun was just beautiful. Breon, Regional Coordinator for the North Zones – prayed out powerfully hailing in the presence of God. The whole group in high faith and praise with declarations, communion and worship beyond description. So glorious the procession out on the boardwalk over the water declaring the kingdom of God in the region. People stopped and lingered.

Once again Doreen felt led to witness and ask a young man who was with his friends there hanging out in the path if he knew Jesus, he said, No – and so she asked if he wanted to receive Jesus. He said “Yes m’am!” The whole group gathered to pray over him to receive and Breon took him under his wing and invited him to his church. Another salvation in the gates! What a great return to the journey – it could not have been more amazing.

Mighty mighty blessings over Jacksonville!! Onward to gate 22.

#20 St. Augustine, May 24

#20 St. Augustine, May 24 at Vilano Port beach

St. Augustine Florida! The Oldest city in America. Therefore the oldest lasting Port in America! With its thick walled Fort, Cannon Placements and the Oldest home in America it was for me a particularly special harbor. What a beautiful place! Doreen had never been there before but we fell in love with the area even before seeing the gorgeous beach. We drove in feeling God was going to do something special there either in us or through us.

Because we still were without a car, Vicky (the zone) leader came to pick us up at the campground. We met the rest of the team and walked to the spot where Vicky felt led of the Lord to meet. It was very special and it was a very anointed time of fellowship and worship. We were at the very mouth of the inlet that led into St. Augustine itself. As we gathered we all immediately felt the unity that has happened so often at each port on this journey and I do believe that Unity of the body was one of the main purposes of this assignment, at least that’s what the Lord kept saying to us. The worship time was absolutely beautiful! As we danced, prayed and communed with the Lord and each other there on the warm sand and water’s edge, we were lost in adoration for our King, which continued for quite awhile. Then we walked over to some rocks that jetted out into the ocean where Rick led us in a beautiful time of communion. It truly was a very powerful time. We rejoiced in our every growing family of God. We fell in love with new brothers and sisters in Christ.

We all went to a cafe for a late breakfast and broke bread together and shared stories. It is always hard to leave new friends in the Lord, but they shared that they would be coming to one of the other harbors which was wonderful to worship and pray with them once again.


Dianne: Rejoining team 22 at St. Augustine. I feel so raw, but walking on the beach at sunrise ministered to my soul and being back with my brother and sister on the assignment to finish together felt so right. So deeply grateful for the BODY of CHRIST continuing the mission.

#19 Daytona Beach, May 23

As we arrived in our motor home we saw God’s provision immediately! We tried to find parking, which is not easy in something that size. It was only pay by meter and we had to take two parking spots so we didn’t quite know what to do. Just then, the meter man showed up (angel number ?) and said not to worry about taking 2 spots and only asked us to pay for one spot. 3 hours later, we went back to add money since we were there longer than we thought we’d be and he just happened to come to do his 2nd round and this time told us not to even worry about paying. God provides! What a God thing, not to mention a blessing.

We met Lisa Marie the zone leader in that area, she led us through some prayers and then a big group of our friends from Belleview Fla. 2 hours away, (where Rick preached 2 years ago) came to join us! Carol, brought a group of about 15 people with her and a “great deal of enthusiasm!” Carol’s group was so excited to be a part of praying and declaring over Florida with us. We all rejoiced together as we shared in Communion as our custom was at each port.

Also as we got started, the weather, was looking very ominous but we prayed that God would stay the bad weather, AND HE DID!! We then gathered in a big circle under the palm trees and took turn reading parts of the declarations and praying. I noticed a man was standing back watching us so I invited him to join in. We also prayed over him as he shared with us he was going in for surgery that week. He was so grateful and we knew it was a divine appointment.

Next everyone scattered around to pray and worship with the flags to the praise music we played. Tourists and locals alike stopped to watch and listen. Some asked questions which gave opportunity to share Jesus and our mission to pray over the Ports and Harbors of Florida with all its drug trafficking, human trafficking and contraband that comes into our nation through these ports. Finally, we had everyone gather and sign the back of the map and hear how the vision that the Lord gave Dianne came about. The joy and excitement at this port was electric!

#18 Cape Canaveral, May 22

#18 Cape Canaveral, May 22 at Freddie Patrick Boat Ramp

The beauty of the presence of The Lord was at each Port of Florida. Though each was different, each was wonderful in its own way. We really missed Dianne being with us and our hearts were hurting for her and what she was facing with Greg’s, (her husbands’) passing, but Jesus in His own way filled the void of her absence…

Oh the uniqueness of Port Canaveral, it will linger in our hearts and minds for many years to come. From the space launch at Cape Canaveral when we arrived, to the angel that showed up with the bicycle pump that Rick needed, to the joy we experienced together as the Body of Christ.

The Lord blessed us with a good site at the Cape Canaveral campground (Jetty park) and we were excited to see the launch that day. We did not have a car anymore, as Dianne’s car was our transportation but we did have our bicycles. After we set up camp, Rick and I jumped on our bikes to go see the launch which was only 5 minutes away. It was a beautiful day and hundreds of people were lined up along the canal to watch.

The next days’ adventure was amazing; Rick and I rode over to the boat ramp on our bikes where we were to meet the Intercessors that evening. Rick was way behind me so when he caught up, I asked what took him so long and he said that his tire was almost flat so it was really hard to pedal. There was a little cafe right there at the ramp so we had breakfast and asked the cashier where we might find a place to blow up the tire. He said that there was a gas station about 2 1/2 mi away but we knew we couldn’t ride that far with a flat tire. Anyway, we slowly rode back to the ramp and I noticed a man on a bicycle there. He was older looking, shirtless, with a pony tail and heart shaped sunglasses with white frames. I guess I would say he looked like an old hippy. Lol. I chuckled to myself but really felt drawn to talk with him.

I asked the Lord how to approach him and then I heard, “ hey, I like your hat.” He was responding to Ricks “Jesus hat”. Of course, that led to much conversation. His name was Tim and he told us that he lived in the area in a condo but as we talked, I was looking at the bike he was riding and wondering why this man would be riding a bike that was all rusty and held together with duct tape if he had a condo? There were 3 baskets hanging off his bike. They were filled with plastic bags and other stuff but nothing that looked usable or of any significance. He really looked like a homeless man! We asked how he knew the Lord and he shared of his troubled past but the joy of the Lord truly exuded from him. We shared why we were there and also that Rick’s tire was flat and he just reached into one of his baskets and lifted up what looked like a black pipe. As he turned it over, we saw that it was a bicycle pump! It was also rusty and held together by duct tape, with a rusty screw stuck in the nozzle head. He said that he found it in a dumpster. (Hmmmm?) He handed it to us and Rick pumped up his tire….

Rick said he could just imagine roll call that morning in heaven for the angels. This angel was told to go to the tool shed, check out an old rusty bike and an old air pump. Put on a pair of shorts and white heart shaped sunglasses and go to the beach and wait by the boat ramp! Rick will be along shortly needing air in his bike tire. 😂 God’s amazing provision and what a sense of humor our Father has!

That evening, it was the palpable presence of the Lord at our worship time that touched us so much. Because of the wind and rain, we decided to walk to the ramp with our umbrella. We all met under a tiny little pavilion and tried to stay dry but nonetheless, Gods presence came down. The five of us joined our hearts together, we sang, worshiped and praised The Lord. Then we read the declarations of God’s protection and blessing over that harbor. We did the communion service together and then went down and cast our bread upon the waters. It was almost cold and it continued to rain but we truly pressed in and worshiped anyway as we continued to pray and sing to Jesus. (Which I think warmed us all.)

As we sang and worshiped, we had visitations of dolphins that came and circled thru the canal beside us as if they were drawn there. Then we had a huge flock of seagulls come and hover over us and then fly off over the canal. It was as if God sent his creation to join with us! Then all of a sudden, the spirit of Joy just came down and we could not stop laughing and rejoicing in His presence! We remember Katherine’s laugh specifically. What a beautiful, abandoned and infectious laugh. We were truly encompassed by the Joy of the Lord!

When we finished, we held hands and prayed, and thanked God together for the beautiful experience. Then Rick walked down to the waters edge at the boat ramp to get the water from that harbor for Dianne. We all crowded into one of the ladies cars and she took us back to our camper where we hugged and said goodbye, aware that we had all experienced something unique, Holy and precious in the presence of God!

#17 Fort Pierce, May 19

#17 Fort Pierce, May 19 at South Jetty Park

This was Rick and my first gate alone, after Dianne left to be with her husband. It was difficult for us to move on as our hearts were so heavy for her in hearing of Greg’s quick decline and her having to drive back to Sarasota late into the night. My husband wanted me to go with her but she felt very strongly about the Lord wanting this assignment to continue on, which we were in agreement with. It was a bit overwhelming for us as well at the thought of proceeding without her but we knew that the Lord had called and equipped us for such a time as this. We were ready and willing to carry on the mission and stand in for my beautiful, faithful friend.

Interestingly, it was our first gate that we were late in arriving too because we could not get the landing gear up on our RV which was frustrating. However, meeting all the beautiful intercessors that were at the port waiting for us, put us at ease. They were so gracious, loving and understanding. We were greeted by a David and Tracy Ruleman, a Rabbi and several other beautiful saints. We joined together to pray for Dianne then read the declarations, followed with communion and some wonderful worship. A young beautiful woman named Angela helped with singing as we worshiped with the flags over the pier. The unity and love was ever present.

David and Tracy then invited us to have breakfast with them and a couple of other Intercessors. It was a great time of fellowship and getting to know one another. Then they brought us to the Central Assembly of God where we would make camp and attend the “Holy Spirit” weekend! David introduced us to Larry, (the head of missions for that church) who helped us find a place to park and plug in. He showed us where the showers were and showed us around the church. In his office was a map the size of the entire wall that had 100’s of markers, showing all the different countries and places where the church had gone on mission. We immediately bore witness with Larry’s love and calling for missions. What a beautiful soul!

David Ruleman says, “Tracy and I had a great weekend with Rick and Doreen Newton. All day Friday and Saturday starting with proclaiming the Word at Jetty Park, meals together, radio interviews, worship at Holy Fire and Central Assembly. We ended with breakfast and ministry at CJ Canons. Rick has carried a 12 foot cross around the world for the past 48 years as an evangelist and Doreen has been with him for the past 18 years. Love them!

We joined with everyone for worship Friday night but had to retire early as we were so exhausted from the intense heat, lack of sleep and emotions.

David and Tracy picked us up early the next morning and brought us to a great breakfast spot in Vero called “Cafe Rio.” They weren’t open yet so we went next door to David and Tracy’s “Kingdom” meeting place where they hold their services and prayer meetings, and they shared their hearts and all the amazing things God has done.

When the coffee shop opened, we went next door and has some delicious coffee and breakfast sandwiches and heard about the missions that cafe Rio supports around the world! Then David brought us to a friends radio station. He had booked Rick to do an hour Radio show with Rhett. Rick shared many of our mission stories around the world. It was a wonderful day already and we still had the evening worship service to go to. Back at the church, we basked in the worship and His presence. We truly felt overwhelmed with love and blessings and slept great. To top it off, David and Tracy came to our RV the next morning, laid hands on and anointed Rick over the concern he had from an accident overseas which has affected his memory. We felt the presence of the Holy Spirit as they both prayed powerful intercessive prayers. They again blessed us with an amazing breakfast, fellowship and a beautiful send off. We love our new family!

Later that day, Rick noticed a significant difference in his ability to recall things. Praise the Lord!
Thank you David and Tracy for all the divine appointments, and your love and kindness –
What an amazing, God anointed, Spirit-filled weekend!! The only thing missing was my beautiful friend.

#16 Jupiter Inlet, May 17

#16 Jupiter Inlet, May 17

BEAUTIFUL Jupiter Inlet!!! We arrived and storm clouds were brewing. Thunder, lighting and rain began… we kept praying and really felt Gods promise. As Rick was walking to the pavilion he handed a tract into the window of an RV to a couple and said, Jesus loves you. He invited them to join. The storm lightened up to a light drizzle and we got together in the big pavilion talked, read declarations, and had communion. Nick us who lives in Jupiter LOVES his inlet and opened our meeting with a bit of history, passionate prayer for the region and sang a beautiful communion song. 

As we began to worship the skies cleared so we went down to the water. Frank sang out live over a mic – voice sailing out over the waters and it was just awesome. I just want to Speak the name of Jesus… this was the first time it was someone else LIVE playing other than Doreen. His heart for the Kingdom so evident in his exuberant praise.

Doreen said Sally (the camper from the RV ) was hungry for God and when she heard about what we were doing she said “I’m going!” She had never flagged before and Doreen explained about the walls between and inside coming down and she lit up. It was a divine appointment. Her husband prayer walked and joined in as well..

The beauty as the sky cleared, the Joy that descended and the glorious sunset was so full of God’s presence. God is faithful. Once again amazing worship freedom on the beach including some who had never held a flag before.

I loved the live music. I loved Rick sharing communion. I loved Frank’s freedom. live music, his eyes on Jesus. I loved his song choices. I loved dancing in the sand barefoot and then stepping into the water. I loved seeing such freedom in these people of God. I loved dancing with Doreen. I loved coming out from the pavilion onto the beach- the contrast from the storm into the sunset glory. Oh the sky… so beautiful.

Mighty Blessings on Jupiter Inlet.


The following night May 18, 9:30 pm at the campsite I received the call that my husband Greg had been taken to the ER. He had been suffering with Alzheimer’s for over 10 years and I have been his caregiver. I drove across the state on a dark desolate road and arrived at the ER 12:30 am and spent the next 17 hours with my husband. He took his last breath in my arms May 19, 5:20pm.

#15 Fort Lauderdale, May 15

#15 Fort Lauderdale, May 15 at Hugh Birch State park (intracoastal & beach)

Sally chose this STRATEGIC LOCATION – The Intracoastal Waterway is a 3,000-mile inland waterway along the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts of the United States, running from Massachusetts southward along the Atlantic Seaboard and around the southern tip of Florida, then following the Gulf Coast to Brownsville, Texas.

Cheryl, Richard and Carol joined in and they had just been with us 2 days before in Miami. It was a first where intercessors from the previous gateway came along to the next. How awesome is that.

Rick rejoined us again  YAY!! We processed with the cross down the road along the intracoastal as we said the declarations.

Richard and Richard shared communion – one the bread the other the “wine”.

Cheryl blew the shofar and the sound went right through us and sailed out over the waters changing the atmosphere.

Sally sang a song her husband had written, “Hallelujah Day”.

We sang back and forth into each other’s eyes, oh valley be raised up oh mountain be made low…

Beautiful worship – GLORY boat went by as we worshiped ; )

Cheryl had a vision that 3 tower like structures crumbled down during the worship.

God bless Ft. Lauderdale harbors and Florida intracoastal waterways.