May 11 DECLARATIONS – Undergirding of Israel

Prepared by Rabbi Ed Bez, Zerah Avraham Congregation, Jacksonville, Florida

It’s TIME! Saturday, May 11th at 8:00am LOCAL time (your time zone).
The goal is to have ALL 50 states speaking this into the atmosphere. There will be a wave of
declarations spoken across our nation for 6 hours!

All bible-based declarations and proclamations on behalf of the State of Israel and Jews
worldwide (including Messianic) must come from a place of spiritual preparedness.
As we pray the following short prayers, decree the Word of the Lord, and declare God’s
heart over His Chosen people let us do so in humility, and yet boldly.
At the end today… blow a shofar.

Shofars are blown for PURPOSE, not just because we like them or to link us to our
Jewish brothers and sister. The two purposes are as a call to war (Numbers 10:1-
10) and as a proclamation of freedom (Leviticus 25:9).

May 11 Declarations VIEW / DOWNLOAD

May 11 CHILDS Declarations VIEW / DOWNLOAD

Please leave COMMENTS AND PICTURES – your testimony is important!

Comments · 15

  1. Collier County- SWFL State College, Naples
    Undergirding Israel Declaration released with shofar/trumpeting

  2. There were 4 person’s in attendance in Port St Joe (EST) for the declarations at the Constitution Memorial Marker. A new attendee felt led to attend that morning. Thank you to Brother Jim Gainne for leading this event.

    In Wewahitchka (CST), Diane P made the declarations at the local library. Following that time she noticed a homeless person sleeping in the gazebo. She was able to talk and pray with the man. Good seeds were planted for God’s Glory.

  3. Grateful for the Walton County Team!! For those there in person at the Armory and those that declared from their “stations.” 👑✝️❤️🙌❤️🪖🥾🚩🔥
    Groundwork was laid, and the “Heir” defense was raised! The Lord’s Prayer dome!

  4. St. Johns County declared at the St. Augustine Lighthouse. It was a great follow-up to the National Day of Prayer’s theme ‘Lift Up The Word-Light Up The World’. We had a great time declaring, sharing & prayer. We played the shofar sounds for War & Victory! Also had a great time of fellowship at breakfast after. ✝️✡️

  5. The Fort Myers team met at a church which is also the home of a Messianic synagogue. We declared the love and protection of God over Israel and punctuated the declarations with the sounding of a shofar.

  6. The Fort Myers team met at a church which is also the home of a Messianic synagogue. We declared the love and protection of God over Israel and punctuated the declarations with the sounding of the shofar.

  7. Cape Coral team met st Grace Church to pray this months declarations over America and Israel. We have a committed team for Hus Kingdom! 🙏🇺🇸🇮🇱🙏

  8. Alachua County made the declarations this morning in several locations. I’m thankful for every heart that sent forth His Word for Isreal!

  9. SARASOTA Declarations at Victory a Church of His Presence new building, ( opening soon) who stand with Israel and pray boldly as body ongoing.

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