Category: NEWS
June 8 Declarations – Hail, Hail Lion of Judah
ADD your COMMENTS and PICTURES below! (SCROLL DOWN to the END of COMMENTS and “LEAVE A REPLY”) It’s TIME! Saturday, June 8th at 8:00am LOCAL time (your time zone). The goal is to have ALL 50 states speaking this into the atmosphere. There will be a wave of declarations spoken across our nation for 6 hours! THIS MONTH’s INFORMATIONThis month we are lifting up HIS name over our states. We are to Worship HIM! Hail, Hail Lion of Judah! After completing the declaration, you may want to play this song over the territory where you stand. Here is a link: … More June 8 Declarations – Hail, Hail Lion of Judah »
May 11 DECLARATIONS – Undergirding of Israel
Prepared by Rabbi Ed Bez, Zerah Avraham Congregation, Jacksonville, Florida It’s TIME! Saturday, May 11th at 8:00am LOCAL time (your time zone).The goal is to have ALL 50 states speaking this into the atmosphere. There will be a wave ofdeclarations spoken across our nation for 6 hours! THIS MONTH’s INFORMATIONAll bible-based declarations and proclamations on behalf of the State of Israel and Jewsworldwide (including Messianic) must come from a place of spiritual preparedness.As we pray the following short prayers, decree the Word of the Lord, and declare God’sheart over His Chosen people let us do so in humility, and yet … More May 11 DECLARATIONS – Undergirding of Israel »
April 13 Declarations – Kingdom Legacy
It’s TIME! Saturday, April 13th at 8:00am LOCAL time (your time zone). The goal is to have ALL 50 states speaking this into the atmosphere. There will be a wave of declarations spoken across our nation for 6 hours! THIS MONTH’s INFORMATION This month we are partnering with Don’t Mess With Our Kids (DMWOK)! They will have moms at all 50state capitols at 1pm (local time) will speak out declarations and pray for the children in our nation. We will be setting the stage for these events at the state capitols by speaking out this declaration at 8am. However, … More April 13 Declarations – Kingdom Legacy »
MARCH 9 Declarations
It’s TIME! Saturday, March. 9th at 8:00am LOCAL (your time zone)The goal is to have ALL 50 states speaking this into the atmosphere. There will be a wave ofdeclarations spoken across our nation for 6 hours! THIS MONTH’S INFORMATION There are two types of fear as a lower “fear of punishment” and a higher “fear of [divine awe] glory.” Fear of God is not the same as being scared of God. It is a sense ofreverential awe. It is a fear that allows us to see our place in the order of creation. Inmany ways, it is a reminder of … More MARCH 9 Declarations »
The Creative Power of God’s Word
Great word from Dutch this morning! Our declaration this Sat over our counties and cities is about GATES. We need to close the GATES to all things counter to God’s plan and open the GATES to God’s plans and purposes. The greatest weapon God has given us often goes unsheathed. If Christ used the spoken word as His number one weapon, shouldn’t we do the same. He used the WORD against the enemy and He often quoted old testament passages when He spoke. As Derek Prince said, “Every believer has both the privilege and the responsibility to proclaim God’s Word. … More The Creative Power of God’s Word »
911 Statewide Gathering
Thoughts, pictures and results from the 911 Gathering… More than 240 intercessors gathered in High Springs, FL on September 9-11 for the 911 Statewide Gathering. This was God’s 911 call to the intercessors to come together in commUNITY to repent, pray and hear His strategies over Florida. Twenty-two statewide leaders were also present to bring unity to the state of Florida. There was a men’s prayer breakfast hosted by Ken Malone, Forerunners Ministry, Dale Schlafer, former VP of Promise Keepers, and Reuben Beachy, Sarasota Elder. Men & women alike spoke out a declaration over our state for men to take … More 911 Statewide Gathering »
How to Join PrayerLinkFL
Would you like to receive the monthly declaration? Is your heart to be involved with 24/7 prayer across our state? Do you have a passion for our harbors and ports? Are you a worshipper, dancer, flagger and want to occupy territory with your gifting? Got to and “Join the Effort” by create a profile. Once you receive your confirmation email, set up a password and your profile. Be sure to include your COUNTY and ZIP CODE. Then request to join the private PrayerLinkFL Group. Once you are a member of our group, you will receive the monthly declarations and … More How to Join PrayerLinkFL »