#12 Key West, May 11

#12 Key West, May 11 – Mile Marker Zero & Mallory Square

Keena and Kelly met us in Key West & we celebrated Keena’s birthday there! Such a joy to all be together. Very important sequence to note that Keena had accomplished the I95 assignment December 2022, passing the declarations baton form Miami to Maine, and she said it was strategic for her to declare and worship at THIS gateway Mile Marker Zero that connects to I95 and all the way up the east coast. A divine birthday connection for sure.

The wind carried the presence at Mile Marker ZERO “southernmost point in the continental U.S, the lowest latitude land of contiguous North American states.” Powerful anointing. At the line, “breaking past the borderlines of space” a naval jet went right over us. We also stopped at the naval base to pray over the gateway.

Key West has an important strategic history, one aspect being that it has been a safe harbor for Jews immigrating from Cuba. Here is a quote from Chuck Pierce 2020, ” the Lord said you had six years to gather the keys out of the keys. That told me there’s going to be a move of God all the way from the keys to that cloud I showed you (Ga Line) This backbone is going all the way up the east coast. And cause a new strength to come to our nation,” On May 11 we came here – Ken Malone and intercessor team arrived one week later – as the Lord led, not knowing our schedule… Only God can do such a thing. Katherine said, “I found the Keys was a multi-level assignment dealing with many different fronts. The worship @ the harbors opened the door and set the stage for discernment and victory for the rest of the team.

As we entered Mallory Square – I had the thought Mile Marker Zero was governmental and Mallory Square is for the people. Very hot. Doreen and I spent time before worshiping under the pavilion before the others joined us. When Lydia arrived we fell in love with her as she walked across the parking lot. She spread her arms out and said. “my people are here”. Her passion for her gateway was outstanding. She prayed with such zeal and love for her harbor, land and people – we could feel she was covenanted with God to Key West.

Lydia offered Keena and Kelly a ride to the boat and I went to the car to get their stuff and see them off, as I looked back at the pavilion I saw Doreen talking to a young man and said “Doreen is witnessing!” As the others drove away, I walked up and joined the moment. I have never seen anything like it – it was as if the heart of God was pouring through Doreen’s eyes and her words into Andrews heart. She led this Jewish young man in the prayer for salvation as he cried with repentance and joy. It was amazing. Salvation in Key West! Very significant that he was also Jewish. When we called Lydia to tell her, she said that was unheard of in Mallory Square. Praise God.

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