#5 Apalachee Bay, April 25

#5 Apalachee Bay, April 25 Shell Point Beach

Our meeting was at the same time a group was releasing a turtle into the water… many were gathered for the event. Rick, Doreen and I got there an hour early and had a long chat and witness with one of the turtle watchers. He shared that his cousin wrote a song about Jesus and asked him to write the music. It was powerful and felt for sure a God appointment.

Just loved the intercessors who came what beautiful hearts for God, LaDonna, Suzie and Jane. Jane had the same spiritual birthday as Rick and that was such a gift to them both to connect in that way. This was the first time the Lord told me to have everyone to come down to the water and to put feet into the water during the Our Father song especially to the words Yours is the Kingdom, Yours is the power. What an anointed moment. Wow. We continued to do that at every harbor (or got as close to the water as we could).

We all felt the timing of the turtle being released while we were praying was a prophetic act as well of restoration, new life and freedom. Amazing. As we were saying goodby one of the intercessors Susan said “this was beyond, beyond, beyond!” Love that quote – Doreen and I said that over and over to each other for the rest of the journey.

Ladonna said she was supposed to be in Apalachicola but she could not attend there and so she joined us here. So glad!!

Mighty blessings Apalachee Bay and Florida Panhandle complete ; )