#1 Port of Pensacola, April 22

The beginning of the 22 Coastal Gateways Journey at Port of Pensacola, April 22, 2023.

April 21 arriving to meet up with our host Zone 1 connector Lindy, and Doreen and Rick driving in from Alabama.

The Lord told me to go spend time at the port alone and He led me to a park where I saw a boardwalk that went out over the beautiful water, the sign said it was a Memorial for the Missing Children.  WOW! It really hit my heart – what a message. I felt God was setting the tone for the whole trip. He is going after His missing children.

Then I met Marlene…a woman in the parking lot having trouble crying at back of her car with her walker because she couldn’t walk anymore. I asked if I could pray with her, she said I’m done with Jesus. I asked why and she said he did not answer her prayers for healing. I said I understand how hard it is when we are not healed, but God loves you and he sent me to meet you to let you know He hears your prayer. I prayed over her until she could make it up the incline to the bench- then when Doreen and Rick arrived we three prayed over her again. After our event, on our way out we said goodbye to her she grinned and said “I will see you in heaven” her eyes pierced our souls, made me wonder if we had been visited by an angel unaware.

We went to meet beautiful Lindy, who offered Doreen and Rick got to park the RV in her neighbors lot, and i got to stay in her house. I loved sitting on the balcony over looking the waters and just talking into the night. Amazing time with her in her beautiful home. Thank you Lindy! She took us that night to the Brownsville church event and had a great beginning loosing worship along with the other intercessors, very free and exciting Spirit filled unplanned send off!

Morning came and Rick walked with the cross through the park and shared Jesus with many people there, one couple was excited to see the cross and agreed “America needs revival” and they prayed together. We gathered with the intercessors and walked out on the missing children boardwalk –  spoke out coastal gateways declarations, worshiped and had communion. Mikki began this event blowing her Shofar sailing out over the park and the Port of Pensacola – how prophetic to begin this journey with the Shofar! Ginger speaking out with FIRE, power and passion – WOW.

Joyful glory came down and Kelly a homeless woman joined us for communion. Doreen says, “Kelly’s Joy really stood out to me, especially for a homeless person and she really knew her bible!” We were all so moved by her joining us. So exciting to be out on this first gateway of this assignment- feeling the glory as we worshiped and connecting so beautifully with the passersby. Doreen was walking with Kelly back to the camper and together they witnessed to a man!It really was awesome. This first gateway set the tone – the glory of worship without walls, the power of unity immediately at work, prayer out in the open and witnessing to so many drawn in by the Holy Spirit!

Mighty Blessings over Port of Pensacola!

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