#6 Hudson Harbor, April 27

#6 Hudson Harbor at Hudson Beach, April 27

Doreen and I went to Hudson beach hours Before the event and chose a place under a pavilion and worshiped there until Rick, Jennifer and Keena arrived. We really felt the power and the rest, having time in the space to pray before the event.

For me it was AMAZING to be with Doreen & Rick my long time dearest friends and singing/evangelical partners, AND Jennifer my first friend from Florida and dancing buddy AND big plus Keena first friend I made after I moved to Florida and ministry connection… PrayerLink connection! This was Keena’s first event with us and it felt so deeply powerful after all we had been though to be out there worshiping under the sky and as this gateways assignment would not have happened without Keena – love you!! Very personal for me, like all my worlds coming together in Hudson, and so interesting that this location and gathering was unintentional on my part.

I had accidentally had circled Hudson way back before I got my map and had a chart of 69 harbors. I wondered how that happened and was going to correct it, but the Lord said it was His doing and not a mistake. I did not understand until I was there in Hudson looking at the map on my phone that the highway 19 bends out to the coast at Hudson and that is where “civilization” begins. Amazing.

Had someone more local stepped forward I might not have reached out to Jennifer with the zeal that I did. She danced with such grace and freedom. I’m so grateful she came and worshiped with us. Love you!

God is building something between us all as we come into unity in our positions.

As Rick led communion and Doreen led worship, people from several different countries stopped by to join in and some lingered with us. It was really beautiful. The location was perfect for passers by. We all went to the water during Yours is the Kingdom (to the wall) and and Rick stood with the cross lifted up, a striking call to the hearts of men. The cross draws many people to stop and talk. One man asked to try a flag! It was so beautiful, so joyful and powerful. I cant imagine this trip without Doreen and Rick.

Mighty blessings over Hudson Harbor. There was a fierce rain on the way home.

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