911 Statewide Gathering

Thoughts, pictures and results from the 911 Gathering…

More than 240 intercessors gathered in High Springs, FL on September 9-11 for the 911 Statewide Gathering. This was God’s 911 call to the intercessors to come together in commUNITY to repent, pray and hear His strategies over Florida. Twenty-two statewide leaders were also present to bring unity to the state of Florida.

There was a men’s prayer breakfast hosted by Ken Malone, Forerunners Ministry, Dale Schlafer, former VP of Promise Keepers, and Reuben Beachy, Sarasota Elder. Men & women alike spoke out a declaration over our state for men to take their rightful places in their homes and churches.

The Battle Axe Brigade was honored for their many years of intercession over out state. This group, formed in the mid 80’s by Diane Buker and was active until her promotion to heaven in 2010. Sally (Sarah) Misken, Celina Jones, Judy Braland, Cheryl Sejour, Roxy Kinkead, Linda Milligan and Olga Alvarez Caveda were honored. These women have been praying over Florida from 25 – 45 years!

On Saturday afternoon everyone went off to pray and seek the Lord’s strategy over FL. The strategy team went through the all the written data that had been gathered while the intercessors met in their zones to connect face-2-face and heart-2-heart. The main strategy that came forth from this prayer time is that the body of Christ is to OCUPPY the territory God has given us.

PrayerLinkFL’s purpose is clearly aligned with God’s plan for FL. The declarations, 24/7 prayer, strategic intercession (land, water, air) and the coastal gateway assignment are all functions to OCCUPY!